I was using the Hutch connection for the last 3 years finally I got another connection which is somewhat good in network .
why I changed the connection is because of 2 incidents which was like shock for whole family
Incident one: I was using The hutch network for 2years in which once I changed my mobile and usually with GPRS connection my bill was coming to around 1500 but once it went to 6000 I even paid that. at that time when I went to Hutch shop one of executive suggested to get the detailed bill through mail so that I can check the bill in detail. at last after repeted complaints with after 2 months I got the bill in detail . To everybodys surprise I got diffrence of 3000 more in bill and detail bill which I received in mail that time I stopped paying and asked hutch people to reverse those extra amount. those people never bothered about reversing the bill they kept on asking the pending amount if I tell them that I had complaint with hutch let that sort out then only I am goin to pay their answer was "we will get back to you about your complaint" after so many days I recived one lettter from hutch saying because of non payment and for uing their network they are goin to file legal criminal case against me. since I had every document kept in order I took that letter to one of prominent judge and sent legal notice to Hutch top management. they were shocked by this and took the amount whatever I spent when the phone was activate. and they gave me letter saying we are sorry for watter happned.
Incident 2: after that incident again I started with hutch connection for next 1 year till 8 months everything was fine, suddenly they charged missleneous charge 150 to my monthly bill so I again filed complaint with hutch and I didnt pay the bill and I told everybody who called up for payment of my arrears till that complaint matter is going to be sortered out I am not going to pay anything to you people. i kept on asking whoever is going to ask for payment wat happend to my complaing. then the same story "we will get back to you as soon as possible with respect to complaint" till now I havent paid they are started calling up my residence once I shouted at them, after that incident no one from Hutch called up.