Vodafone mobile operator is good in all thinks like
1) INTERNATE- a)network coverage: First off all in one word to say about vodafone internet very good, because that when ever I use vodafone internet I feel happy because every area, every place, vodafone internet will be give his best network and I fill happy with vodafone internet .and this internet will higher speed to 3G. and also this company provide good service in STD, Roming not only local. In local I thing this is best for my side. I say, like 2G is a best those who operate 2g internet in his/her onw phone.2G is also good in STD, Local and Roming .this 2G, 3G I use both of this network will fine to every area and all over india . and I tell one about 4G is to good I thing very good because this network I never seen ever and what I say about this network I have no words for it . those who people operate this network he/she aotomaitekliy he understand yhat what I explen to every one say some few lines to 4G network people just opreat only youtube and see somthing in youtube .in this network in youtube when ever I watch something in youtube this network not buffring and every one page open a few second.for my point of view this year it is won the title number one.
b) Coustemer service: vodafone company was know very well how to connect to customer because I am satisfide to customer care .when I call the care to solve my problem they shortout my problem every time and one thing that I notice every customer care people those who working there they very respectfully talk to every customer those who people saying in hindi or english.they every time talk with respectfully and for my point of view thats why this company in my front number one company. every problem they short out for a few minutes and every customer care man know very well about his company.thats why they solve the customer problems.
c)Charges and billing; charges for internet not that much of cost . I my side this cost is good for customer sometime offer in internet like RS251=2GB some time 1.5GB. so, this offer is good and I use this offer in my dily life.some popleare taking pospaid plan. pospaid plan is also good plan thos who talk too much and using internet too much this plan for good.and also easying to pay the bills like u use a dabite or cridite card or netbanking this the things you pay the bills though the internt.and also you pay in vodafone mini store.
a) Network coverage; vodafone tower is good for calling to every areas in india. this network nevr disappoint you aver.and also a good calling faslitiy to as every day some new offer give me from company network is good.
b)Customer service; customer service is to good when ever going in india this network giveing me full tower and also customer care is good they solve problem whn I say say some problems they donot get regreat my words they doing solve my problem.
c)Charges and billing; charges is good not to much.every offer I will chke and after that I will be use that .every day company send all offers in a people phones.because some people donot know that how do chake offers in our phone. so, thats why company send all offer in very people those who runnung or operate this sim vodafone. same thing in pospaid plan and people get paid his bill in vodafone mini store .this store will be available in every place, state, city.