Vodafone is doing fraud with the customer . I sent one request to port my no. on 14th Jan then I got a call from our team. The guy who called me, gave me the update that my plan will be changed on prorated basis. New plan of Rs. 299 will be activate on my no. In 299 I will get 1 GB data with 600 local and std minutes along with the massages.
Today I called your customer care team and they simply told me that I dont have any update about this concern and dont have any such kind of plan.
I have sent one email to their higher authority and they simply revert me that
"Dear Mr. Kumar,
Thank you for your time to explain your concern regarding the services on your Vodafone mobile number.
As discussed we would like to inform you that as per our records there is no records found regarding the call or the plan which you have mentioned in your email. Hence we are unable to find the details and activate the same pack.
Further we would like to inform you that if you still face any concern regarding your Vodafone account kindly confirm us, so that we can assist you in the best possible manner.
In case you need further assistance, please do call or email us. We’ll do our best to help you.
Happy to help,
Deepa Kadyan,
Appellate Office
Vodafone Delhi"