Vodafone mumbai network...it cant be even termed pathetic..its useless!!
I ve lived in Mumbai..I used BPL then..it was superb..I never had dropped connections, No .."hello..hello..what" kind of a thing..never..Actually I had started with BPL in India...in Mumbai..then I moved to Pune where I use an IDEA card...its awesome again....but few days back, I had to be in Mumbai again..with my office cell which carries a Vodafone card...
NOW....this happens to be worst n/w I ve ever seen..Its so pathetic..I ve stopped calling my clients from my vodafone cell..rather its better for me to use my IDEA in roaming...call drops are as frequent as rains in London..and the voice quality...I swear..I used to see in ADS ppl hanging on their window to get some n/w and voice clarity.. seriously I did it this time round....
I dont know if its just me or every1 in Mumbai is facing this issue, but a mobile service company with such pathetic infrastructure..I wonder how on earth they are surviving!!!!! I guess the only thing good bout Vodafone India are its ads..I love those....entertainment wise..vodafone is good..but when it comes to business..its a clear NO!!!