I an a Vodafone customer. I cannot access Internet about 6 month. In 25 may I was promised it would be passed to the service team and would be solved by the next day. It wasn’t. On 26 may, I called again, and again was promised the service team would work on it.
On 5 June the same story. On 12 June I called and requested Customer Services, I got put through to the porting team, I asked to be put through to Customer Services, I got put through to Billing. Very frustrated I again asked for Customer Services and finally got through. The agent told me I had to email then wait my turn to be contacted. I refused to do this, he has all my notes in front of him, he should deal with it. He said he was going to put me on hold for a minute but he actually transferred me to the porting team.
That was the last straw, I snapped. I told them that I wanted the issue resolved and that I was giving them 24 hours to do so, if they didn’t meet this deadline I wanted a PAC code and to be released from my 12 month SIM only contract with no penalty. I got put back through to Customer Services and told them the same thing. I asked them to call me by 2pm tomorrow to let me know whether or not the port was complete, and if not to issue me with a PAC code, again with no penalty for terminating my contract.
Also, given the many hours I have spent on the phone over this issue(I would guess each call took at least 1 hour, so in total approx 5 hours, most of them holding) I should in fact be billing them for my time. Since I came off the phone I looked up their complaints procedure. According to their own code I should call them and “The customer service adviser will try to resolve it all the first time you contact us, and will involve their team manager and operations manager if necessary.
If that’s not successful, they’ll pass the issue to our Customer Relations team to own. They are specialists in resolving complaints.” That is laughable, it’s not even close to the level of service I received. Let’s see what tomorrow brings… but I don’t hold out much hope. So, a word from the wise, stay well away from Vodafone. So friend you can use also AIRTEL or govt MTNL.