The biggest mistake of my life is that I bought my Apple I-phone from Vodafone. I am a big apple fan and love their customer support. In 2009, I bought an Apple Iphone from Vodafone Store in Ansal Plaza Delhi for 29, 400. In Dec 2009 my phone started giving me lot of hardware problems. I went to Apple Store to report problem, but they asked me to go to Vodafone. In January visited Vodafones Ansal Plaza office and they asked me to visit Okhla Office.
When I visited Okhla office in early February, they sent me back saying take out all data from phone and bring it back. I went back again, and this time they took my phone, did nothing, and told me it is fixed. When I asked them to fix it, they said warranty is over now (this was now end of February and my warranty was expiring in February). They refused to fix it. Finally I wrote a mail to vodafone nodal support email.
A guy named Sukhvinder responded and said they will fix my phone (they need to send my phone to bangalore). I went to vodafone office to submit my phone once more, this time they said we need invoice and we cannot take it without invoice (even though they can print invoice from their computer). I had already given my invoice to Vodafone once, so I did not have invoice anymore. I kept following up with Sukhvinder and he kept giving me a new date. Finally in July I went to Vodafone Okhla office to meet Sukhvinder.
Sukhvinder refused to meet me and told me on phone - please SMS me your IMEI no. and I will get it replaced. I sent SMS to Sukhvinder. Few days later I called him, he said he did not get SMS and now he cannot do anything because Vodafone does not provide support for Apple I-phone anymore. When I pushed him, he put me in touch with his supervisor Sushma who said she will look into my case and get back. After 100s of follow ups from my end, Sushma and Sukhvinder said, they are getting my Warranty extended by a year so I can go get it fixed at Apple. Whole of Sept, Oct and Nov, Sushma and Sukhvinder kept giving me new dates by which they will get my warranty extended (I was in communication with Sukhvinder on SMS). FInally, I called Sukhvinder on 30th Nov - he did not take my call. I SMSed him to send me entire incident on email so I can get it resolved myself, and I do not trust him anymore. He said I will get an email tomorrow morning. Tomorrow morning after 3 follow ups he sent me an email saying
"Dear Mr. Bansal
Thank you for your call at Nodal Office dated 30/11/10 regarding for the I-phone handset for your Vodafone number 9899980668.
As per our records you visited Vodafone store Okhla on 08th Mar?10 after the expiry of I-phone handset.
As per our conversation dated 10/06/10, we requested you to submit your apple i-phone handset at Vodafone store so that we can help you a smooth interaction with Apple. As per our records we didn?t received the handset in June?10.
Further as per your conversation with Sushma Khanna, we would like to inform you that as a current process we will not be able to extend the warranty of your apple i-phone handset.
We would request you to kindly visit Apple store for repair.
Assuring you with the best of our services at all times.
Happy to help,
Sukhvinder Singh"
He made one mistake in his email. Happy to Help should have been Happy to Cheat
I spent 30, 000 on this phone and I did not even use it for a year. I have always trusted Apple. When I bought my first ipod and my earphones went bad - on one call I got new earphones with no questions asked. Today, I have been following up for a year now and I have still not got my problem solved.