Vodafone is best company in India in network felid.but now a days some issue is come in network.
on ancient time when it was hutch it is good in every way. but now a days it is little bit good not so much good not so much bad.
His net speed is well and good at every area in India becuse network sytem is good in india.
But comparison to Airtel Vodafone is not good.At every place easily use net or easily talk to any where.
Before jio come Vodafone recharges are very costly. but after jio coming they give ₹354 approx plane of unlimted call or some percent internet or other plane ₹148 unlimited call.etc planes
After jio coming all company make reasonable recharge.
best think in Vodafone in india network good.
Vodafone net in 2G, 3G also good comparsion to other operator.
but 4G is fabulous when network is come in proper way.
Today mostly person use Vodafone .
service is very quick.
If we register complain then same day or may be next his technicians visit and solve the problem.
But some time they dont take action quick.
charges are normal not to much high not to much low.
main problem is in network in some time.