Glad by the option of number portability, I took the step of porting three of my family members number to vodafone. but little did I realise that I was going from bad to outright worst & pathetic.
I took the lowest scheme of 99 rs plan for two of the numbers. but the actual bill came to over 400rs, as the plan covers only vodafone to vodafone numbers, which was not informed at the time of providing the plan. further some additional plan of 50 rs was charged, which I had not subscribed for. the vodafone call center person insisted that it is mandatory and cannot be reversed.
The most ironical part is that the network providers customer care number is the hardest to get connected and gets disconnected 4 out of 5 times and the rest 1 time the call center person itself cuts the call or puts the call on indefinite mute.
After much calls there was no relief and after escalating the matter to nodal officer, finally part of the charges were refunded. and I had to take a additional plan of 50 rs to take care of local call to other networks.
But I got the shock of my life, when I received bill for 600 rs on both numbers, inspite of taking a scheme which provided me free local minutes.
Vodafone is supposed to be a premium service provider, and it is pathetic that they resort to such cheap & fraud practices. What they do is actually looting in broad daylight. I am stuck with this service now, as TRAI rules prevent porting or even changing plans for 90 days from date of porting.
I am left with no choice but to approach customer court and circulate this as much as possible in social media.
Apart from this the network itself is pathetic as internet hardly works and calls get disconnected most of the times.