This is a video streaming app by vodafone and provides some channels live also. It is available for android , ios both users at their respective playstores. Through this app vodafone has entered into video streaming market. To use this app one has to be a vodafone user and pay for it. It is not free. Thats its concept.
This app layout and design is much simple. Its background is red. Design of app is good and atteactive. If one opens a series for streaming he donot get all episodes in a single page, he get only one season in one page and other in other so he have to select season from above. It is attractive but sometimes it iritates also as all are not in one place.
This app is very simple to use. One does not need any special knowledge for its use. After opening app all options are given. One can chose different category like movies, kids, tv shows, live. And search the rewuired in that category. Also it donot give search option from home which is its major drawback in my opinion.
Its functions are not much good. On sreaming a video it gives low, medium, and high quality options. It gives option to stream english and hindi tv shows. I liked to stream arrow, flash, friends, vampires diary, big bang theory and such other serials from here. It also gives gives a large no of kid shows , latest movies and songs. So it gives user much functions.
Giving so much functions and options yet it has much problems like it gives live cgannels from which most are available as free on youtube and their sites. It donot give live shows inspite of being a paid plateform. It makes them available so late when they are available on other places for free. So it became unuseful for me.
It gives also downloading option but that consumes much more amount of data for eg. It consumes 300-350 mb of data to download a video of 40 minute in medium quality and if I download same video from site it takes 200 mb for 720p quality so here its usefullness is not better.
So keeping in mind these things I cannot recommend this app to anyone as he will feel preceived after paying for it and not getting required functions.
Thank you.