This is with regards to my Mobile Number 9920868103. I have ported from Airtel to Vodafone on 27th April 2018(BIG MISTAKE). When I had put a porting request on Vodafone it was informed to me that I have to clear by dues with Airtel first & then my number will be activated on Vodafone network( Fair Enough), Forgot to mention I DIDNT PUT A REQUEST FOR PORTING, VODAFONE CHASED ME FOR 3 DAYS TO COME ON VODAFONE NETWORK.
After clearing my dues of Airtel network I had informed Vodafone & my number got activated. ASSUMING YOU PEOPLE ARE SMART & PROFESSIONAL ENOUGH & NOT JUST A BUNCH OF FOOLS, You must have confirmed with Airtel that my dues are cleared or not & just not going by my words. If you have not confirmed with Airtel than why did you mention it to me earlier that my dues should be cleared, (FOOLS WILL BE FOOLS CANT EXPECT MORE FROM YOU PEOPLE).
Coming to my issue now after 2 months on Vodafone network, I am suddenly getting calls that I still have outstanding pending of Airtel network(SURPRISE.SURPRISE).
Due Date for Airtel Bill was 30th April 2018 & had made the payment on 21st April 2018 of Rs. 1179/-(1 rupee more than the bill amount. Hahahah Keep the change you Idiots) My number still didnt got ported on Vodafone & when followed up it was informed that there is still an outstanding of Rs. 520/- for Airtel. Remaining outstanding was cleared on 25th April 2018(Hurray I thought I am done with it).
Now after 2 months the 2 most idiotic networks of India(Wanted to be more ABUSIVE but, as I mention earlier FOOLS WILL BE FOOLS) AIRTEL & VODAFONE jointly stopped my services & are claiming that I still have 700/- Outstanding & that too without any references given.