Global Gallarie - very impressed with the sales team but completely opposite verdict for the after sales team. They literally MANHANDLE your car. Super roughly use it or treat it. possibly you would just go for a general service but would land up with few other unexpected problems because they treat your car that way. They dont even have parts available with them and they convey that they would receive and fix it within 2-3 days but weeks go by and no revert from them. No one to hear your complaints there and finally you are forced to address it publicly so that at least one genuine CRM guy from Mahindra listens to this and reverts back to solve the problem.
I just bought a new car and there were some tuning supposed to be done which was like wheel allignment, clutch adjustment as the Gear shift was hard and the switch for the rear roof light was missing. When I reached the Global Gallarie Service center in Thane, no proper guidance is given during the service and the most shocking thing were the below points:
Post allignment, the service guy took the car for a drive and he was literally driving the vehicle at 120km/h whereas its strictly conveyed in the instruction manual that the vehicle is not supposed to be driven above 100km/h during the first 1000kms. 2. When the vehicle was parked on the ramp for lifting the car and wash, the car was not properly parked on the ramp and the car was tilted to the right which proved that the car was improperly stalled on the ramp. I would like to know who takes the gurantee if theres some damage below the vehicle during this process. 3. Service guys who were washing the vehicle and could hardly know how to drive were driving the vehicle with the biggest risk of hitting someone. Mahindra conveys that proper trained mechanics handle your car, which just contradicts the experience. 4. No proper queue system was organised as I was waiting inside the area where the car were being washed, my car was just parked there and post that other 2 cars were washed. When I simply went and complained the In-Charge, then they took my car for wash. 5. The doors and the handbrakes were literally handled very roughly as the service guys would just close the doors with very high force and pull the hand-brakes very roughly. I simply dont understand why do these guys take customers cars for granted or is it so that these guys do it on purpose so that the parts wear out sooner and the car lands up at their service center more often.
The car didnt have a switch on the rear roof light, I conveyed the same to the manager-incharge and he conveyed to me that they dont have the switch in stock right now and they would be receiving it in a day or two and would call me once it has come. It has been 11 days and havent got any calls from them.
I would STRICTLY RECOMMEND that when you give your car for service, IF YOU LOVE YOUR MAHINDRA vehicle PLEASE MAKE SURE to be there at the service center and just supervise your car while they fix it or even give it for a wash.
Hope Mahindra guys are listening to this and revert back to me with a solution on this as Ive been just complaining about this in Global Gallarie and no one is addressing the same there.