I bought a vento petrol high line from Bangalore palace cross last April. I notice rear window motor doesnt work and also felt the car is drifting left.
The dealer next day took the car for repair and fixed the rear window motor also gave the petrol cost to take it to service Center which is 35 km from my house. They were not able to fix the drifting problem.
I was worried about the drift I thought it was due to chasis bend or some thing serious.
Next week after complaint they took car and did wheel alignment and balancing, unfortunately the problem was not rectified.
After a week by making repeated calls they arranged a meeting with engineer from Pune. He tried convincing me all ventos are designed the same. I feel it is defect in manufacturing. They have still not resolved the issue. To my surprise I drove my friends diesel version today and found out it is even worse than mine. Any ways I got used to now.
Even though other things are good, the car is not perfect.I suggest not to go for a vento with out a test drive.
The dealer has given good service, vw car is very poorly manufactured for India.