We are using it from last two years.this is a very cood air conditiner best suited for homes.we are using voltas 185CYA 1.5 ton 5 star rate split acwhich is of white in colour.
This a very healthy and hygienic way to keep ourself healthy and cool during the hot summer months.
It is very durable and has a hydrophilic aluminium fin and inner grovved copper blue which protects it from corrosion and increases its efficiency.this is a five star rated one therefore it is energy efficient too.functions such as anti-fungal clean, self diagnosis and auto restart ensure thatit is clean and in proper working condition.the self diagnosis function of this AC helps in identifying problems within this AC.this is a very good and easy to operate ac and best in its class.cooling is superb and rooms gets a proper place which you would love to live inside during the summers if you are using it.