I purchased the Voltas 1.5T AC from Rhythm House, Sector 18, Noida on Sunday 9th. Sales guy had promised that the installation would be smooth, the only variable they do not have control is wiring at my place. Anyway the installation was done the next day.
After the installation the AC didnot work and the person informed that electrician is required for doing the wiring and left.
Inspite of clearly indicating to Mr. Satwinder the installation and commissioning in-charge at Rhthym House, he didnt send the right guys for installation. And their installation personnel was horrible, he wasnt even a carpenter forget about having AC installation skills.
After repeated following up which included disconnection of the phone line by Satwinder, finally engineers from Voltas service center in Ghaziabad arrived.
They informed that wiring from the AC to stabliser was done wrongly. Because of which AC was not functional for 6 days.
Few questions here
Is Voltas checking their rouge dealers who are out there to make a quick buck by fooling customer. I am dead sure I am not venturing near Voltas or Ryhthm house again in my life.
Whom can I catch and get my complaint registered.
Wouldnt recommend anyone to venture near Rhythm House, Noida.