Voot is a very good app to watch out previous episode of any serial. It good for a persons those spend most of their time out side of home so they miss their favorite serial like me.But only for this app I can watch out my skip serial episode like BIGG BOSS AND ROADIES. But there are some draw backs in this app.
Service is good every episode is present but support is not good like I complain from the very long time that whenever someone download any episode so that episode should downloaded forever not for some days like they do currently.
They havent uploaded every season of bigg boss and roadies from first season to last.There is only present fully episode of 4 to 5 year episode not every season episodes.
Contents is good, but still not present all serial those l can enjoy.
Its a very user friendly app but it takes a lot of internet data as compare to YOUTUBE which is not good so thats why I have to avoid it some time because of excess of loading internet data.
It takes more loading and offline downloading time as compare to download from other app like youtube and also you need to watch out offline downloaded episode quickly otherwise they will be remove after 7 days.