Voot.com allows to watch free online streaming of Tv shows, Movies, Kids shows in 4 languages. I have been using this app from last 10 days, The website and mobile app has good user interface which makes the users to watch their favourite content easily. The app has shows, movies from different sources. Though the app is well designed the video takes so much time to buffer even on high speed internet in mobile app. I have contacted the support team regarding the buffering issue, they told me that it might be the problem of your internet connection. To confirm I tested it on other mobile and other network the result was same, then I contacted them again that there is no issue with the device/internet I am using. The problems are with the servers of the app. Then they didnt reply me at all and didnt solve the problem too. The video resolution is limited to 540p, voot.com has no videos of high definition. While watching in pc at the resolution that the website has right now, we see blurred spots on the video which makes user feel uncomfortable watching video at that resolution. The website loads quicker than the mobile app but video buffering takes lot of time both in app and website which needs to be fixed. The app is very user friendly that even children feel easy to operate the app. The shows they allow us to stream is limited to one language only which is a big minus. Most of the shows have multiple language streaming when they are aired on tv. Considering streaming quality, time to load, streaming language, support and service I feel that the app is still lack of improvements and needs to be fixed