I buyed it approx 6 month earlier.
and now Im done with this product.
it just waste of money they are not giving good quality in picture and this device is very addictive.
Thid device is user friendly easy to use
If you see it once you will use it again.
I promise but you guys its effect our eyesight too much and after 20 to 25 minutes we are starting headache.
I buyed it because its in trending and I want to check it why people are crazy about it now I got after buy it the good mad they lost their mind I use of it effect of body.
Its a reason its so high as my point of you please Kat dont buy it there are some special reason for it Hary price its effect our body its specially harmful for children because the lens of VR box to close to eyes thats why it affect too much.
Thanks for reading guys if you want to buy this product then buy it but I bet you in 1 month you start hating this device