I have been using VSNL for the past 2+ years.
By far the best and most consistent. Speeds at times reach DSL speeds(which is what I have now).
Have got FTP speeds of upto 6 Kbps and browsing speeds
of upto 5 Kbps.
Cost-wise, it is cheaper than most of the other ISPs. Just saw today that the rate for a 100 hour package is Rs.788 and is valid for 3 years. It is free from 11 pm to 8 am.
1 tip out here. Take a 100 hour connection. If you are a day and night user, do not exhaust your day hours because your night hours also will lapse. Keep some hours available in your day hours and you can browse free for 3 years between 11 pm and 8 am!!
A safe bet. Found one problem though. Morning between 8 am and 8.15 am, connection is lost if connected. 8 am is the crossover time between free access and paid access and
I feel it is due to that switching over.
I have the unlimited 1 yr package. With the internet rate war going and with the Tatas taking over VSNL, things are bound to get better. I highly recommend VSNL.