Hi ,
Lots of users in India including Govt Organisations have their accounts in vsnl.in domain (either unlimited / night package).
The decision of VSNL not to allow the renewal of accounts held under vsnl.in domain is really horrible to the users.
When I contacted VSNL office, the reply I got was really surprising. They said they have billing problems in this.So they cant provide TOTAL INTERNET.
Cant VSNL solve that billing problem by some means?
Lot of people will be affected by this decision...
Give preference to customer problems rather than your own problems such as billing..
I hope this will seriously affect thousands of vsnl.in users in the country...
Initially when they offered this unlimited connection, they said the user ids in vsnl.com and vsnl.net are being occupied and so we are giving vsnl.in .. what is the use in giving for a moment and taking it back?
I have given that mail ID to all, now what can be done to avoid missing mails?
It is something like having food in abundance but not being offered to eat while hungry..
Enjoy your life...