The General Manager
Tata Indicom
Subject : Complaint regarding your Dial Up services and misbehavior by you and your staff .
Dear Sir ,
It is after much regret that I am forced to write this letter. As a regular customer of the Dial Up Connection I am entitled to the basic rights of regular and uninterrupted services from your company, but it is disappointing to know that day by day your services are getting from bad to worse in Dehra Dun in comparison to other places in the country, and that too in a place like this where the Govt. has big plans for the I.T. Industry in the near future!
It is regrettable to also see that neither you nor your staff are able to give a clear picture of the actual situation at your end whenever there is a complaint of a poor connection. The grim reality of the situation is this that the top brass of you organization in Dehra Dun seems to be very poorly acquainted with the knowledge of the very basics of the usage of the Internet – I am baffled how they have managed to reach such high positions.
To make the matters worse nobody in your department is willing to even talk politely or has the time to as much as listen or write down the complaints – today for example Mr. Kotiyal of the Customer Care whose favourite solution to the complaining customer seems always to lie with the Customers’ Computer (Inspite of error No.718, 777, which show that the Remote Computer is not responding / is out of order ) Mr. Kotiyal’s answer is always that “you set your Dial Up Connection and try” whereas the facts are without making changes in the Dial Up Connections or any other changes in our Computer the connection automatically comes on/ connected.
I would like to know from Mr. Kotiyal that without changing the Dial Up Connection in my system how it gets connected to the VSNL connection – is there any Ghost working in the server or my computer that makes the system start on its own???????
According to my knowledge and the market review the biggest “Ghost” is the incompetent and semi trained staff creating problems for all the users.
As per the Telephonic conversation with GM at Dehradun I was shocked to know that he too stand in the same queue with his staff. The words used by him were “Do paise ka connection liya hai – aur complaint karta hai Lease Line connection walon ki tarah se”
Mr GM I ask you – are the connections meant only for the Millionares? Are the common dial up subsiders not entitled to get their value for money. If so why not disconnect all other lines except the ones who pay you in Lakhs?
I made an Advance Payment of Rs. 3127/-For a 500 Hours Connection-( Bill No. BRV No. OL – 28/1 Dated 15–05-2003)by Cheque No. 566666, S.B.I. payable at Dehra Dun and though it might be a two penny connection to you, it is hard earned money, earned through sweat and grime,
Another point with which all the Internet users will agree is that the maximum usage of the Internet is after 5 PM and on Saturdays and Sundays - and also as your staff works for 5 days /week there is no one answerable on Saturdays and Sundays- so there is no one to rectify the problem when it needed the most. No cross checks are made my your staff what speed we are getting, are we getting the right speed or not now survey are made in this step. I ask why so? Being in service sector it is your duty to cross check your services .
According to my suggestion there should be a competent person manning the Customer Care at all hours. It is plain to see the huge losses the Govt. is making when no one is able to make any connections, and the inconvenience it causes to all the customers.
I would like to suggest the staff of the above mentioned Organization not only get technical lessons but also lessons in Etiquettes and manners and if this is not possible competent people be brought in to handle the griviences of the customers!
At a time where Information is everything and on the eve of the Prime Ministers visit to China and the promises of the Chinese Hardware and Indian Software getting together to form a formidable alliance - it is hard to see how the dream can be achieved with the present state of affairs when the top officers drawing hefty salaries have to be highlighted in front of the media – just to make them do their job!
Yours sincerely
Deepak Sachdeva
9 Vijay Park,
Dehra Dun)
Phone : 0135-3100231