One thing is common with VSNL.....monopoly.
What is bandwidth
It is the capacity of the link to allow traffic at a given instant. Higher the bandwidth, higher is the data traffic flow. This same bandwidth pipe can be shared by n number of users, thus reducing the bandwidth per user. Normally various ISPs operating in India use 1:4 ratio.
e.g : 64Kbps dial up line provides an average throughput of 16kbps per user. Considering line noise and copper wire losses over a long distance, we get 30% less bandwidth.
In case of VSNL, the ration is almost more than 1:8, this is one of the reason that in peak hours, one gets connection but cannot browse or chat.
Role of VSNL
VSNL allows 100 nos of cars on same 30 feet road instead of broadening to 60 feet. The actual capacity of road is 10 nos for making the traffic smooth.
VSNL has major fiber optic submarine(O.F.C) cable landing in Mumbai and cochin.
Let me tell you one thing....Once I had a chance to discuss technically with Pvt. ISP in Mumbai. This ISP was ready to show in depth performance approval of the technology with the justification on Raw bandwidth and shared bandwidth.
Can we ask any Service level agreement with VSNL for the fixed shared bandwidth usage on percentage sharing basis. The answer is NO.
VSNLs Leased bandwidth always provides performance degraded by one tenth as compared to bandwidth available from ISP through satellite gateway.
Interaction with VSNL officers
As more and more ISP are providing the better services as compared to VSNL. Now VSNL is providing the customer services slowly. First the helpline u call is not available.
Once I met Mr. Ramraj, Dep. GM (customer relations). He still has lot of ego, instead of being customer friendly, he wants customer to pay him request.
When I asked justification for not accepting the leased line application form, this officer representing VSNL responded without any sense of humor, saying....Do u know with whom you are taking.
What is still required is high level of respect with a humble apologies, still after paying for the services offers by VSNL.
Here with the VSNL only TOP officers are customer friendly, but the human systems operating the show have an attitude with high level of ego, which shows monopoly of VSNL.
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