W3school is a web developing learning web site. It is a biggest site in this category. This is really a nice site, which is really helpful for the new programmers.
If dont have enough time to go to somewhere to learn web designing languages, then just open w3school on your mobile, laptop, pc and start learning.
This site is easly accessible on any operating system. Information on this site is really wide. Here you can learn html, java script, sql, css, php, jquery.
All the concepts of every language are describing, in a understanable way, and there example of every concept. So there is hundered of examples of every language, which are really helpful to you. Also there are quizzes, to test your skills.
Not just learning, this site also provides a certification scheme, when you are ready in any language, then you can give exam on this site, and you can get your certificate. And is helpful to get you in job.So friends w3school is really a helpful site in this digital world.