What is true love? Is it refusing to allow his better halfs ventilator to be shut in hopes of a hopeless miracle despite knowing theres no chance of recovery from her coma -
- just to keep her alive and be around her - or is it accepting the inevitable in letting her go without making her suffer anymore? Is it refusing to give consent to a surgery that might keep him alive post an accident that caused a severe brain injury - but as a completely dependent person who would never return to his true physical self - or giving him a chance to live again and be there for him unconditionally irrespective of what the spouse would have wanted her to decide.
Sure, theres no definite answer and its impossible to extrapolate or generalize about what exactly is love when your loved ones are going through a traumatic experience fighting to get back past all the insurmountable odds to live their life again and the one waiting for you to get better is left helpless with nothing much to do other than clinging on to their hopes.