Wajood is movie about Identity. The movie tells how a person cant live without any identity.
The story revolves around 3 main character, Nana Patekar,
Madhuri and Mukul Dev who in search of their Wajood, that is their identity.
Madhuri is a rich and spoilt girl whose passion is drama not business. Her father wanted her to join him in business and send her for a business proposition where she meets Mukul who stays with his friends in her guest house without her knowledge.
When she comes to know, she push him out and throw his bags. When she comes to know that her servant had took money and allowed them to stay, she also accept them inside and lately fall in love with Mukul.
The parents of Mukul and Madhuri also accept their marriage.
But there comes a character who changes everything upside down. That is Nana Patekar, who is the director and writer in the college of Maduhri, who also love Madhuri very deeply and he so crazy about her that he starts living with her mentally. When he comes to know that Madhuris father has chosed a boy for Maduhri, he bcom crazy and throw Mukuls father off and die also.
After Mukuls father death, Madhuris father reject Mukul and say that he cannot marry his daughter to a pauper. Makul also leaves Madhuri saying that he has to seach for his Identity, want to prove himself and also advice her to do the same.
Nana is in the jail for the murder of Mukuls father and changes dramatically when he comes out of the jail.
What will happen to these three, will they find their Wajood? What happens to these three? You have to see to know.
The story line is very good, the highlight of the film is Nana and Madhuri. Nana scene in the film is like a poem. I cannot imagine anyone playing Nana charcter nor anyone can justify Madhuris either. The best scene of the movie is Nana delivering the poem and pretending of living with Madhuri.
Everyone one us have to know who we are, it is not not neccessary to know which cast or religion we belong to.
It is imp what we bcom. What kind of person we are.
Everyone have to search for our Wajood, no one can live without it.