Much amongst the fanfare and publicity k jo proudly presented the director of his new venture, saying this was a movie from the perspective of a 19 yr old. no doubt the movie had nothing sensible but a late teen outrage. what a waste of time it was.... no drama no action no comedy , so bland.
hre is a guy who has no aim in life. a spoilt kid of a millionaire whose life is totally dependent on his frenz. he flunks in his exams and goes blame bombing on everyone, from his illiterate mum to his near loser fren who happens to pass. here comes anothe shoulder to cry on in the form of konkane sen, who is entirely wasted in the movie.
The only reason she was cast I suppose was b coz of her not so beautiful conventional looks, otherwise anyone cud have done the part. whats gone into rahul khanna? playing the side kick in every project.. again he is a trash.
All said, why the hell did one need a romntic angle in the film? All in all a mediocre movie wid some mediocre performances and a limp story line. the ony savng grace is ranbir kapoors acting. so watch it if u really dont have anything to do....