Never thought Id use "Profound" and "Entertaining" in the same sentence! Well, kudos to Pixar - theyve yet again jumped higher than the bar they set for themselves last time around.back
The movie starts off on planet earth, devoid of all human existence. No.this is not another tale of humans having perished in a catastrophe. They just moved into outer space while Buy n Large, an all-encompassing giant corporation promised to clean up the Earth. And what does the clean-up involve - the New York skyline matched tower to tower with stacks of junk.
Coming back to the plot. WALL-E is a "lonely" robot who goes to work every day, compressing and stacking junk. His companion - a cockroach(its believed cockroaches are one of the oldest species around, probably even before the dinosaurs). Im drifting away again - So, WALL-E goes about his work all day and comes back home in the evening to watch a romantic movie and "go to bed". Into this glides(rather thunders) EVE. EVE is a probe robot sent by the humans to evaluate conditions on Earth. After the initial apprehensions, WALL-E takes EVE back to his "apartment". A brief romance and then EVE discovers something that makes her go silent. And then, the adventure begins.
The animations are pure PIXAR(even better than awesome). The conversations between WALL-E and EVE are positively cute. And of course, this is the first of the PIXAR movies to have gone beyond morality and shown us a glimpse into what the future might hold if we dont shape up. This is not preachy and is more the context of the movie. Yet, it gets you thinking. Its both funny and disconcerting to see humans become complete couch potatoes - not able to even walk.
The only thing that left me beduffled was the use of a human character to depict the President of BnL Corporation, while all the other "humans" in the movie were clearly animated. I am sure there is some naughty trick that Pixar mustve pulled out. Can someone throw light on this?
To sign off, a great package entertaining adults and children alike(and hopefully you would pause and think before reaching out for the disposable carbonated drink can!)