EEEEVVVA" WAALLLLEEYYYY you get to hear a lot of these sounds in the movie and ever time you hear them your heart goes ooooowwww choo cute. Sensation seekers, animation lovers, science fiction buffs, and the whole of the people who dont fall into anyother category this movie is for you. If kung Fu aPanda was from Dreamworks Wall-E is from pixar both stand tall in their own way , be it story line, character animation background sound tracks etc. coming down to Wall-E .
The Plot is Simple, I can just say it in a single line: Love is blind, two machines fall in love and one follows the other at the same time bringing hope for good ol earth. Plot is already available in N number of reviews and websites wikipedia for that matter.
I must also say that there was another sci-Fi move I have seen when a school going kid, Movie name: short circuit and also it had its sequels it was released in 1986 the movie was by Ally sheedy and steve guttenberg, people might wanna see that too provided they can grab hold of it. this is where machines come to life. Although wall-E looks the same as the robot in short circuit there sure is a lot of change and diffrence in both the characters.
The brilliance lies in see in little snippets as the movie progresses, Like the one where wallE and Eve are trying to come close outside the space ship Axiom.
Throught the movie All WallE intends to do is hold EVEs hand so as to show love and emotion. and does he suceed in that is for you to find out so I would like to urge you not to miss this especially in the theaters. Its a must watch and one must watch it with childred if possible they would have a great time gauranteed.