Love in Tokyo, Love on Titanic, Love in the times of cholera, Love amongst 101 Dalmatians, love in Taj Mahal, Love on 50 first dates, ..Think you have seen enough of Love?...well now see…Love of the ROBOTS… WALL – E is a creative marriage of Shakespearean love and Asimovic machinery. WALL – E continues in the rich legacy of PIXAR movies following the greats like Monsters Inc, Finding Nemo, Toy Story, The Incredibles.
This animation movie runs for a good 100 minutes with the most minimal dialogues and at the end of it keeps you gasping for more. The movie is about WALL –E (Waste Allocation Load Lifter Earth-Class) a robot for waste disposal management and how he is instrumental in the restoration of a derelict earth in the year 2815. The earthlings have long abandoned earth however they forgot to switch off one robot.
So our WALL E is the only, lets say, living robot on earth. He goes about doing it mundane activity of waste management, while doing so; he identifies unique objects and collects them. WALL – E powers himself with the solar energy.
He knows how to mend himself and has spares available. Meanwhile a robot (EVE) is sent to earth for the search of plant life. WALL – E and EVE meet and for WALL – E its love at first sight. From then on, it’s his pursuance for love along with the safekeeping of the plant for humans to come back to mother earth which goes through an engrossing inter galactic journey space fights and robotic clashes. It’s a silent film of sorts with maximum communication done through non speech sounds and visuals.
One does not need speech, or the entire face for a personality, only the eyes are enough and this idea is established in the most amazing manner in the movie. WALL – E exhibits a wide gamut of emotions from loneliness, fear, happiness, shy, love, resolve, pain, despair, blush and ecstasy to many more feelings, with only his eyes. The eyes convey a message in every frame that WALL – E is present. Its one robot you will fall in love at first sight. The movie is commendable for its concept, creativity and execution.
There is attention to detail. The animation is very good. The screenplay is awesome. Right from the outset the viewers will relate to what WALL –E experiences which are all emoted through his eyes and body language and robotic sound. There is a very intelligent use of the background score and for the space bit; the star trek theme is used. The humour is used subtly in evolving a feeling of hope for earth, even though the concept s apocalyptic in nature. The editing is slick and the pace is well set.
All though in some parts one would be reminded of Monsters Inc. It’s a must watch and will be long remembered as one of the best animation movies of all time. It is one of the few instances where, an animation movie is visibly forthright in pushing humane issues. The movie has the spirit of a love story and the panache of a science fiction and is not to be missed. Please book your tickets today. And BTW … 4.5 on 5