If an award for worst acting, third class direction, pathetic dialogues, bakwaas choreography, juvenile lyrics, stupid action and horrible screenplay is to be given then the award would undoubtedly go to WANTED. Wanted is the story of a gangster hitmen played by salman khan who works for different gangs and shoots people for money. He shoots people and in his free time roams around with his bunch of hoodlum friends and then one day he meets ayesha takia and falls in love with her.
Ayesha works in a call centre and lives with her mother and is being harassed by a cop mahesh manjrekar. So salman saves her from mahesh and she falls in love with him and they both starts singingstupid songswith horrible choreography in it. Ayesha is often shown being mauled by men and salman saving her from them. Wanted is an old fashioned B grade nonsense masala film which used to be made in 70s and 80s. But boney kapoor has forgotten that this is 2009.
Such stupid movies dont work anymore. The direction by prabhudeva is third class and the dialogues are pathetic and extremely filmi. The film goes nowhere till the interval and only thing that happens is stupid comedy, then a song, then comedy, then a song and then action scene and then a song and then again some comedy. All the characters are so cliched and over the top and every thing in the movie is loud, cheap and over the top. The screenplay is tacky and crass with some cheap comedy, nonsense action and very bad songs. The expressions by salman and all the other actors are extremely plastic.
Post interval the plot becomes a little interesting and actual story begins and the entry of prakash raj the leader of salmans gang take place. Prakashs character is written very badly and so we cannot blame him for his bakwaas acting. All the villians in the movie look and act like cartoons. Women are always shown being raped or harassed and our hero saving them like in those 80s B GRADE MOVIES. In a film directed by one of the best dancers of our country, the choreography is the worst that we have seen in any movie . In the end salmans gangster act is justified by showing a twist in the story and in the end our macho hero goes to kill the whole gang without taking the help of any other cop and succeeds in his mission without even a scratch on his body. Wow what a SUPER MAN he is. How real it is.
Tomorrow, if on thisearth, plastic cease to exist then we could borrow a lot of plastic from this movie and its plastic actors bcoz they have plastic in abundance. Wanted is made by/for those who dont know anything about filmmaking. Those people who have liked wanted plz dont ever make any movie in ur life. Wanted is an unbearable trash and is an insult to filmmaking.