For all those who are worried about mosquito bites/Dengue/Chicken Guinea etc, this is the best thing which has ever been innovated, it is really an Awesome product, and a must have for every home, office or lodge etc.
We have a garden with all types of plants and trees all around our house and the mosquitoes and their brethren have always been a source of concern for us. Additionally, both my wife and I were victims of a mild form of chicken guinea in 2015.
I purchased 1 unit of their 20 Watts Wantrn insect fly killer machines, from is also available at etc). which we installed in my study cum home office, this unit is working very well and it kills or zaps flying insects every few minutes. The sudden sound of the zap may be an interruption in whatever you are doing for a second, but soon you will get used to it, at least we did.
Similar machines to this you might have seen in hotels, & restaurants etc. however, I am more impressed with the below product as compared to this one.
WANTRN® Mosquito Trap| Mosquito Killer| Insect Killer Trap
Further to the earlier 20 watts machine purchase, I purchased 5 units of the model ANXAN01, WANTRN® Mosquito Trap| Mosquito Killer| Insect Killer Trap in July 2016.
I installed these machines in all the rooms, including one in my home office although the other 20 Watts unit is also present there.
In large rooms I have installed 2 units for maximum effect, while smaller rooms get one unit. After one week I opened the unit to see if any mosquitoes had been trapped, & I was amazed to find that around 100-200 mosquitoes were found in most of the machines, fortunately all of them were dead.
The Mosquito Trap is extremely efficient and works very well. You do not need any additional mats or incense or liquids etc as a recurring expense. This is a one time investment and hopefully it will work for at least 5 years. Over all the product works as advertised and is super cool. In the nights, in the bedroom-where I use two machines, I can hear a very low noise of thecomputer SMPS cooling fan inside, which I got used to after a few minutes, however, the noise is so low that you will not even notice it unless you pay special attention and it is super silent in your area. The only sad part is it may not work very well during day time and it needs the room to be dark for best results.
For maximum effect, and best results,
Keep the room dark when you are operating the machine. Even if the doors and windows are kept open it still works but fresh influx of mosquitoes may bother you, so decide on that yourself.
We switch on all the Five machines by around 6 pm and turn them off when we get up in the morning. The 9 ultraviolet LED bulbs, the odorless smell released by the machine said to be Tio2 which the company claims attracts the mosquitoes, and the fan attract and trap the mosquitoes and other small insects too. The fan obviously dries them to death while the unit is so built that there is no escape route for them once they get trapped inside.
Earlier, the small mosquitoes in the kitchen and the fruit flies used to disturb my sleep apart from the actual larger regular mosquitoes, myself being particularly tasty for the mosquitoes, I was a hot favorite for all types of mosquitoes and they used to bite me on my feet, hands, and all over, consequently, I never used to get undisturbed sleep, nor was I able to work peacefully. However, since the last 2 months I am able to enjoy peaceful sleep and the mosquitoes are nowhere to be seen, anywhere in our house, even during the day.
We have not tried it out in the outdoors but most likely it should work equally well in the garden too, but darkness or rather the lack of darkness, and sudden rains are a concern.
While the majority of the mosquitoes will be trapped in the trap, and will never bother you again, you will still need the mosquito bat to zap the odd one which has not yet been trapped inside it.
The unit is absolutely safe for children and pets and is totally odorless and there are no any recurring expenses other than the minimal power consumed by the LED bulbs.
We have hung the units in all the room corners at a height of 1 meter to 2 meters or about waist height.
We clean the units every week to a fortnight and remove all the dead insects and replace the units again in their places.
8. An option to use them with batteries is available but dont we all have UPS systems these days?
- The unit is elegantly designed and does not look out of place in any room or office and only adds to the decor of the place.
I would have ranked effectiveness at 5 too, but unfortunately it does not seem to be so effective in the day time or where there is absence of darkness. Hopefully the next model may address that too!