The focus of the film is entirely from the perspective of the Apes. Humanity is devolving into mindless, mute, psychopaths. Only two human characters receive any character development, Woody and Nova.Nova realizes humans are garbage and tries to become an ape. A nice reference to the original, amazing Planet of the Apes with Novas name.I left once the avalanche destroyed the human Army. Like Woody I kept hoping humanity would survive the war of the apes.we saw a young Caesar acquire the ability to speak in Rise of the Planet of the Apes. Dawn of the Planet of the Apes showed the apes uniting under Caesar, whose aim was to coexist with humans.
The series has been falling progressively with each part. rise of the planet of apes was the best of all. even the dawn of the planet of apes was better than. the movie is too slow.the action genre more than that it is considered to be as a emotional drama, not good as the predecessors.was good till first 30 mins after which it started dragging and though in some scenes the director was trying hard to make them look really intense but there were no dialogs to support . the story line was too predictable and sadly the character of caeser didnt have any strength.
The laughter feels forced in some parts. The main attempt was to distinguish Tom Hollands Spiderman from the previous ones by making the character goofy and this film has achieved it to a certain extent but it ends up looking like a censored version of deadpool.very slow movie unnecessary discussionto much add and alsowar in the name of movie I didnt see any war in movie silent movie and to emotional and idea is and specific please dont watch.Do not expect much from the movie. In between the movie felt like why this scene is there at this place. All of a sudden in between the movie few OLD Trucks lying on the abundant place which is having a renowned branded cold-drinks logo. Some scenes of the village where only one person is staying with a kid. got bored watching it and was just waiting for it to finish asap.Not recommend, nothing great