What was Spielberg thinking? What was Tom Cruise thinking? Whats with all the screaming by Dakota Fanning? What happened in this movie??? I am plagued with a million question, having watched War of the Worlds.
While Im not a literary purist (I believe in creative license when it comes to movie versions of great books), but I can only assume Mr. H.G. Wells is turning in his grave with regards to the film translation of his book.
My main bone of contention with the movie is the lack of information the viewer is provided with. At the end of the picture I sat and contemplated for hours why the film ended as it did. And Im still not sure what really happened.
Where did the aliens come from? Sure, it seems they were out to annihilate earth, pick at its rich resource of human blood and blah blah. But why? And most important of all. Why did they crumble?
There are more than a few inconsistencies in the plot. For one, if the aliens were so superior intellectually, technologically, galactically, etc... could they not have forseen what would eventually destroy them. Ok, so well put that down to suspension of disbelief. Secondly, at a point in the film where all electronic equipment malfunctioned and died, cell phones and video camera were still working. Go figure! How was Tom Cruises character the only one smart enough to figure out how to get the car working? Hmmm.
Also, why are there additional characters introduced in the plot that do nothing for the story but make it longer than necessary?
To give the film its credit however, the special effects were stunning. The little, very little, revelations of what was happening and how (the scene where the news crew enlightens Cruise on what happened during the lightening storms) were interesting. But they left you wanting so much more.
I was disappointed. I mean were talking about Spielberg, creator of movies like Close Encounters, E.T. etc... I cant help but feel he lost the plot somewhere. But, let me be honest. I did enjoy the film. In parts.
Its just that I went to watch a Hollywood blockbuster, and came away having seen a hindi movie.