NO: More War in Iraq and I pray there will be no more War anywhere. This means that Canada must stop selling their Candu Reactors, (they make nuclear power Plants, to Countries like India and Pakistan, and forgiving the debt.
NO: More People made to go to Protest Marches in Iraq. The are now free to protest when ever and what ever they want to.
NO: More Oil Money going to Saddam and his Family but going to the People of Iraq. They will not be exploited any more but can use their own minds and exploit Capitalism and get rich.
NO: More news from Al Jazeera TV that translated the news to Europe and the Americans one way and to Asia and Africa another way. The forgot to tell the later that the Leaders in Iraq were murdering the Prisoners they captured and were not following the rules of the Geneva Convention.
NO: More of the 55 most wanted Men in Iraq these are the ones I remember:
Saddam Hussein
Uday Saddam Hussein, (Saddams eldest Son)
Qusay Saddam Hussein, (Saddams younger Son)
Barzan Ibrahim Hasan, (Salaam’s halfbrother)
Ali Hassan al-Majid, (Chemical Ali)
Tareq Aziz, (Iraqs Foreign Minister)
Izzat Ibrahim
Taha Yassir
Himat Mizaban Ibrahim, (Deputy Prime minister and Finance Minister)
Samir Abd al-Aziz, (Baath Party Regional Command Chairman)
Barzan Ibrahim Hasan, (Presidential Adviser and Saddams halfbrother)
Hikmat Mizban Ibrahim al-Azzawi —(Saddam Husseins Finance Minister and Deputy Prime Minister)
Amir Hamudi Hasan Al- Sadi, (Saddams Scientific Adviser)
Muhammad Said al-Sahhaf, (Minister of Information), who put his foot in his mouth every time he spoke. I do miss him because he made me smile. I found a link so I can refer back to hiswords of wisdom:
NO: Ban on the Shiite Muslims who wanted to make a Pilgrimage to Karbala to pray at their Holiest Mosque.
NO: Ban on Shiite and Shuni Muslims praying in the same Mosque if they want to.
NO: Bagdad Police working for a Tyrant but working for the People of Bagdad. They just arrested the Minister of Finance today.
NO: Billions of dollars hidden around Bagdad that were stolen from the money that was sent to feed the hungry of Iraq. Over 186 million Dollars was found in Saddam’slove nest Condo today.
NO: Christians and Jews, (Dimis), being force to pay to live in Iraq.
NO: To Germany and France who had their secret service co-ordinate with Iraqs. They were promised lucrative Business Deals if Iraq won the War.
NO: To the People who dont know that the Iraqis are one of the smartest and best educated in the Middle East.
NO: To the People who dont believe that the Iraqis are smart enough to decide who will rule Iraq.
NO: More crying. I Cried with Iraqs Ambassador when he left the U.N. He cried when he saidgood-bye to his Colleagues and the People of NYC before he left. He seemed like a nice Man who represented a terrible Man. I hope he and his Family can live in peace in Syria.
NO To the United Nations Security Council because Mikhail Kasyanov, (Russias Prime Minister), who Tony Blair trust and told all of the plans of the invasion and he passed them on to Sadaam Hussein. He broke the UN Arms embargo by send Military Equipent to Iraq. So did France, Syria and Jordon. The Arab Leauge just met to ask the United Nations to keep the embargo in tact.
NO: To the People who feel when the United Nations cant make a discussion that another Country who can should be stopped.
NO Thank you to Australias Special Air Services, (who did their Mission so secretly they were callthe ghosts), to the British or the United States Miliary for ridding Iraq of that evil Man.
NO: I pray there will be no more Alis, (or any innocent People who were killed or hurt during the War), the Child who was flown to Kuwait to be helped. I hope and pray that the Hospitals in Iraq will receive the supplies that they need and more Doctors and Nurses to help.
NO: Republican Guard who happened to miss both the last Wars in Iraq. Where were they?
NO: To the members on MouthShut who wont believe this War is over.
NO: More fighting on MouthShut please. Oh please go back every review you rated, (that was opposite from the position you took), again. Rate the reviews fairly on how well they were written and not because you didnt like the side they were on.
I have been doing this and if I did not rate your review please let me know.
NO: More revenge rating. The War in Iraq was to set the People free and so they will be able to choice what Leaders they want.
NO: Thanks you to everyone who participated on what ever side they were for. I see that how this review is being rated you want the War on MouthShut to continue. How sad!
Comments are always welcome.