It is nice to see someone getting hurt,
But to hurt that person yourself is even better.
Fredrich Neitchzche
It is not important whether the above statement is right. Or wrong. But the fact of the matter is that Iraq is burning with humiliation. The men on street are out to Hurt. Anybody who comes in their way. The idea of freedom has become as bizarre as roses in a desert. Everyone is killing someone or the other. And if guns and death planes are not enough, hunger is roaming around like a hissing serpent. Something is drastically wrong in the state of Iraq......
George Bush may or may not win the next presidential election, but America has forced itself into a perpetual fear. The hatred for USA has grown by manifolds. All over the world. They are fast running out of friends. Opportunists like Pervez Musharraf are baiting them into signing stupid deals that they would have never signed if 9/11 wouldnt have happened. The War on Iraq was meant to boost the TRP ratings of American News television channels. They came. They faced a brittle enemy in the form of a delapidated Saddam Hussain. Victory came, but they are still forced to pay a hefty price for it.
The Iraqi tribal fighters are hungry for Western blood. And the Gulf media has found a grotesque way of giving an answer for the nightvision war footage of CNN by doling their own Ghastly Real TV. Innocent men are being beheaded with a vengeance. The 12 Nepalese workers who were slaughtered yesterday had nothing to do with War on Iraq but they suffered a tumultous end. All this is serving as fodder for boosting the name of television channels like Al Jazeera who are prolific with such video tapes and tapes of the dreaded-n-reclusive Osama Bin Laden.
It is a sad state of affair. There are reports where poor workers are abducted and then a hefty price is put on their head. The three Indian workers whove been caught by a bunch of hoodlums in Iraq is a case in point. Gradually, petty thieves and kidnappers are finding new excuses to give a veil of greatness to their wrongdoings by taking the name of Islam. Their actual motive is money but by taking the name of religion they find obvious sympathy from a vast section of people.
It is time something is done before its too late. Some kind of order must come into picture. Sooner than later. The fact remains that this hatred for America has given all kinds of reasons to people of Iraq to do whatever comes to their mind. Many of the reasons are genuine. And when a human mind believes that he/she has been wronged then the conscience remains clear. Such a state may not be good for the rest of the world. It is high time serious thinking is done to restore normalcy to Iraq by a display of genuine emotion. UN must do away with its crutches and do some soulsearching. People of Iraq deserve a better tomorrow. Else it will surely have an adverse impact on the rest of the world.