I did not ask for this review to be moved to this topic.</>
This War is over!
I pray it will be over fast and that you will join me in praying for the all the People who died, were heart and lived through these terrible days.
Some People are dancing and cheering in most places in Iraq right now. Others are not happy. The difference is that now they can demonstrate in public. There soon will be Elections in Iraq and the Iraqis can vote for the Lead
they want.
Isnt that nice?
Although I watched the War on CTV, CNN and BBC International. All of their Reports were asked to leave Iraq and they arranged for a feedfrom a TV Station in Abu Dhabi. We all were watching the same pictures but the Presenters told different things.
A Wise Man once said, Belive nothing that you see, half of what you read and look into your heart to find the true meaning of what is happening..
I am asking all the members of MS to do that now
I can only write about what I saw. Did you see the same things? If you did then did you hear the same words as I did?
It was sad to see a young United States Man, (he was 19 I believe and born in Asia), had the flag of the United States over the face of a statue of Saddam Hussein before it was came tumbling down.
It was so sad to see that two Shiite Imans, Haider al-KadarAbdul and Abdul Majid al-Khoei, (who had returned after being exiled to London and came back to help his People), were murdered at one of Islams holiest Shrine.
It is sad to see the Military and the Iraqis who are injured or who have died. It is sad to see the looters taking items from the Hospitals.
War is sad. War is so sad when mistakes are made on both sides.
I hope when Saddam has gone there will be elections
I do understand that no one wants Iraq to be ruled by anyone but the people who live in Iraq.
No one should be under the rule of anyone else.
There are not winners in a War. Every one is a looser!
There too many people who died, are injured and had their live disrupted.
MouthShut is an International Site where people from around the World write their reviews.
We all have different Religious back grounds. Each of us is unique. We all have things we like and dont like. I believe in FREE SPEECH . I have always tried to help the new members here and many members have done the same for me. I do not like to when I read reviews that are being rude to the Head of a Country or to a Member here! That is not is not nice and I am sure you would not like it if someone left you a comment or send you an e-mail(like I did), that were so evil I cried a lot. MS was a happy and friendly site before this War.
The Families who have loved ones fighting in Iraq, (on both sides), are worried like you and I would be about
their loved ones. All Mothers cry the same tears for their
Every one who writes on MouthShut is bright and can decide
if they are for against this War.
There is enough misery in the World right now. I hope and pray that the Members who write on MouthShut will be kind to one another.
I did not write this to change any ones mind. I just wanted
you to know what I feel.
If you would like to read what I read the link to the National Post of Canada is:
Please do not send we e-mail that are vile its not very nice to receive and that is why I will not be answering comments on the review.