Warcraft is a American action- fantasy film of 2016 directed by Duncan Jones. This movie is set on world of Azeroth is world of Orcs. This move is really base on Warcraft video game. Movie tells about the invasion of kingdom of azeroth by Orcs ewith the help of a fel magician.
There is a war between Orcs and humans. As the cast Travis fimmel in the lead we can has done relly good work as Lothar the military commandar. And others Paula patton, Ben foster Domini has done ok. And Toby kebbel who was leader of Frostworld clan dont want to take side of Guldan and fight against him really done very well. Soundtrack is really nice at every part of movie but at some places movie lacks some things and bit of story laggings is there. So overall story is remaing must be in 2nd part . so recommand you to watch it if you are fond if lord of the rings type movies.