Itself from its name wd(western digital) we can trust on the built quality of the hard drive we are buying, western digital provide a variety of products and wd 1tb ultra is one among them, this hard drive is such a sleek hard drive and even can be placed inside the pocket easily with ease it is not like other hard drive we use to have that is difficult to carry and all that, but its design and built in quality is really good, I have purchased this product from amazon about 1 year back and till now its working smooth as in the first day I bought it.
Transfer speed from a External HDD to this WD HDD on USB 2.0 is 18.5 MB/s I havent tested on a USB 3.0 yet .
Product is light weight and small to fit in to in your jeans pocket . Cable Length is Small would have preferred a longer length as WD is charging premium against the essentials series drive . Also would have preferred if WD could have provided with some kind of a carry pouch - as again the price between essentials series and this model is premium . Drive is prone to scratches, especially the glossy part( where branding -WD My Passport Ultra is mentioned)
and it comes with an warranty of 3 years.