Did you miss the morning weather this morning? Are you wondering how you should dress the kids? Wonder no more. Go to https://weatherbug.com and download the WeatherBug.
Once downloaded the current temp will be down beside your time on your computer. If you need to know the current weather just click on the temp and it will bring up the Weatherbug screen.
Features of WeatherBug:
Live-Get live pictures from your city or one near you
Alerts-View up to the minute weather alerts in your area. Also, if the AWS post a new alert a bug will cover the place where you temp is and it will churp. This lets you know there is a new warning in your area.
Radar-View Radars in your area or all over the world.
Forecast-At a glance you can view the whole weeks forecast.
Travel Weather-Planning a trip. If so, go to travel weather and put in your destination and see what the weather is there.
Cool Links-Great Resource links.
Also, when you download WeatherBug you can tell them what school you are associated with and the school will earn points that will enable them to get weather equipment.
I love WeatherBug and I hope you will too.