"Today is Wednesday, I have planted bombs in 5 areas of the city. Either you fulfill my demand or otherwise, the blast will happen", told by an unknown person. Our "Anupam" is yet to forget that "Wednesday".
"The man wants to release those Pakistani terrorists from the Indian Jails, oh my goodness, its a terrible threat", this was the concern for all. Then, came our "Jimmy" alias Inspector "Arif Khan" in a dashing mood, to find out, who is that person.
That Mr. X, is an expert in changing the SIM cards, looks like an ordinary person, has his own family. But, still a "Whispering Death" for you. But, dont play with the Police Department. They called a boy, who is a hacker by profession. A thief catches another thief much faster than the police.
The destination reached. It is at the terrace of a building. But, "Jimmy" failed to find anything. The drama continues. At last, the police brought the 3 terrorists in the private airport. Two were kept in front of the bench, and the other one was kept with the police.
"Wow!, there is a bomb blast", shouted the viewers. The bomb attached with the bench exploded. 2 terrorists died. The "Police Commissioner" ordered to gun down the other one, but, in such fashion, that, it looks like an encounter.
Now, our great "Naseeruddin" gave his review results. He told that "As an ordinary Indian, it was my duty to take revenge in my own style for the "Mumbai Blast". I have lost none of my own relatives in that blast, but still it hurts, when you lose another Indian." You can clap, by hearing this, but more emphasis is required to create this kind of special "Wednesday", where terrorists will be brutally killed by the Indians.
"Anupam Kher" took out his car, and drove to that destination, to arrest him. Is it possible? After all "Anupam" is also an Indian. "Naseer Bhai" is a Muslim, the terrorists were also Muslim, but that hardly matters, what matters is that, first you are a "True Indian".
The Police Commissioner let him free, and closed the file, but still remembers that special "Wednesday".