Probably one of the most memorable Wednesdays of my film watching was that when I saw A Wednesday.
Plenty had been written on the film. Critics and audience alike had raised expectations. I was wryly amused. Reason being that Mumbai Meri Jaan and Aamir had almost the same strategy of wooing audiences. The producers built the crescendo to a pitch by citing reviewers and celebrities to the extent that one went cross eyed with fatigue. Result..thoroughly disappointed with both AAmir and MBJ.
Therefore it was only swabhaavik that AW might have resulted in aww, shucks it sucks!! But you know what , it wasnt so. What I felt was "Aww, its AWESOME!! ( like the way I used the AW of the title na) :)
That Naseer would finally be on the side of the law was something I had deducted way early. After all a single citizen for no rhyme or reason wouldnt go around freeing terrorists who had their own allegiances powerful enough to do so. But it was the unfolding of the narrative that was so ..what should I say.. spell binding.
I simply loved the character of the 17 year old hacker who assists the police in hacking the call. it reminded me so much of my bro. these kids talk only model numbers, either of mobiles, or cars or general gizmo. It was wonderful and real.
I loved the casting. No character was filmy. The faces were real and believeable.
I loved the satire in the film. the raw energy and the sophisticated sarcasm.
I loved the dialogue of Naseer" 1993 riots..fakhr se, 2004 riots fakhr se.." and then he mildly says " main fakh re se kehta hoon ki maine in 4 aatankvadiyon ko mara hai"
I loved the fact that Nassers religion was not brought to the fore. It was implied and that was an intelligent variation.
I loved the end and naseers erudite pov..rivetting, and identifiable to the T.
I simply LOVED Naseerud din Shah...fantastic performance. he lives his roles.
Disappointed with Anupam Kher..too laid abck and unfit physicaly for the role.
Guys if you havent seen it..just go for will clap at the I did.
How often is it that a film manages to portray the angst, helplessnes, impotence and utter destitution of the common man who is reduced to nothing but a toy in the hands of either the terrorists or the politicians. Although one is yet trying to figure out which of the two are more lethal!!
Wah Janaab wah!!