Hi friends.modern world, changed society.thats what we live in today.Everybody seems to be running faster than time.Talents, assets and various strong points are there in different people.What do u think?
Can being just intelligent get us whatever we desire?Well, the answer is NO.A person with good looks having an average mind can reach much higher than person with computer comared brain but thatx factor missing.Today good looks do not mean a beautiful or smart face.
Infact good looks is all about having a good physique.good posture or a good figure.An average looking girl with a sexy figure is much in demand than a girl with a beautiful face but having extra pounds.
Actually I m not happy with the norms our society has.Remember my review ongarnier light.I told u how dark complexion is considered inferior to the fair one.Actually theres always been a difference between girls and boys and this discrimination in India atleast would never go.
Men can go with their beer bellies hanging over their pants and no one says a word, but let a woman put a few pounds and she is an object of scorn.Who in the hell had right to decide that the accurate figure of a woman would be36-24-36?Anyways what can I do?Its a new era and we gotta move with it.
So friends, all those who really want to loose that extra flab, I can help u.Before coming to college I weighed 75kgs and now I m 59kgs.so u can say I am the experienced one.Please dont get startled by this.There are millions of people who want to loose weight and are loosing infact in their own ways and styles.
Hoping that my instructions will help u through:-
1) The first and most important point is having abalanced diet.plz.plz.donot stop reading.Im not saying that stop eating or start dieting.Just change ur habits a bit.Excess of everything is bad.
So if u really believe in this line then stop that extra oil and sweets from ur diet.By this you will automatically cut off those extra calories from your diet.Never ever skip ur breakfast as breakfast itself saysbreak the fast u been keeping all night.Those who are in habit of skipping breakfasts, always remember that your body kills 30% more calories than it does without the breakfast.So start having ur proper meals.
2) Chew bubble/chewing gums:-really helps in getting that perfect face structure.
3) Drink atleast 8 glasses of water.Kick start ur day with a glass of warm water.Water flushes away ur toxins thus keeping u fit and helping u in weight reduction.Instead of having alcohlic drinks/cold drinks have a glass of lemon ade or plain water.
4) You might be wondering that I havent written anything about workouts and exercises?Forget it, I wont write either.Just walk, walk and walk.Leave health clubs.stop wasting ur money at vlcc, personal point, slim n shape and various others which have a mushroom growth these days.
If u cannot wake up early in the morning, start walking in the evening.If cannot do that also then forget about ur cosy cars, bikes or vehicles.Those who are college going I know lectures are not always in the same class so make a full use of that.
While performing lab experiments prefer to stand than to sit.Offcers out there, u can also burn ur calories by doing the same.Standing also helps in burning the calories.
5) Feeling hungry.do not munch on that junk/fast food.Instead of having that extra cheesy things eat a bowl full of green salad, have a brown bread sandwich, eat sprouts etc.Fast foods are really fast to cook but they r fast in adding up more pounds too.Restrict them to once in a fortnight.Always eat when u r stomach hungry and not mouth hungry.
6)Take ur dinner atleast 2 hrs before sleeping.Never lay down immediately after eating.Earlier the dinner better the results.
7) Keep urself away from depression.Depression invites hunger and makes u do what u donot want to do.
8) The last but the most important point-love ur life but hate your extra weight.Thats the basic thing u need to have in urself.Donot ever think, you are looking slim when u know u r fat.Wearing balcks and blues can never get that extra kilos off.When you are fat you are.Face the reality.If u know u r overweight but still look smart then change ur thinking.Fat person can never look smart.I know some of you do not agree but thats a fact.
I hope I didnt sound like all professionals.Believe me these are my rules.I have made them.these have helped me and would help u too.
Just change urself a bit.Forget laziness.You can be smart when u dare to get smart.Do not go on compliments.People compliment coz they do not want you to be what u can.
So have the confidence, have the power, follow my points and see the magic.