Nowadays since some unqualified people have commercialised & made business out of it;I lost faith in going to them.EvenGym who are supposed to make you muscular are not honest.They promise you for losing weight;but ultimately after a few months you see that you have put on weight.This is my personal experience seen among we 14 friends.On the contarary people not used to heavy physical activities;particularly above age of 30;land up with severe bodyache;cramps;some even gotSlipped Disc& Severe sprains on joints(permanent damage to ligaments)This nobody would like to take after paying so heavily to Gym!
What you eat isIMPORTANT.Wrong food(Heavy food) regularly can be burnt by simple physical exercise;like walking;climbing(not using lift);try to do your work yourself rather than giving to servants.It so easy!
There are some medicines;certified by American;European countries;after deep research;they definitely help;without causing problems to your health;a few side effects which are reversible or disappear after a few days;are better option.Consult a good doctor!