Ok! I have myself been trying hard to fight the fat to be fit to tone n to be more curvy blah blah blah!
I remember the times when I was very eager to look slim n trim to fit into that 26 waist jeans. I tried so hard to loose that extra fat n failed. I joined gym for aerobics. One month down the line I got tired n left that.
Then I joined another programme popularly advertised in the daily newspapers n took the customeized machine treatment there wherein they give u electronic treatment using a machine that helps to burn the cellulite layer and they make u go hungry and fast like anything. But as soon as I left that programme I was back to square one. take my words on that . Dont ever join these poularised programms that offer to loose 5kgs in Rs5000 or on 50%discount say loose 5kgs for just Rs2500 with the added benefits like the life long maintenance etc etc . Its all crap. Its a trap to make u fool. Ultimately I met my cousin who is a nutritionist and got the right way! first lets go through the basics
first why this fat gets accumulated? what exactly is it? when to worry that we are over weight? how much to worry? What are the signs in the pre -obese stages?
Whatever food we eat - whole grains/ pulses/ rice/ wheat/ dairy products /vegetarian dishes/ non -veg preparations/ beverages etc are converted by the process of respiration/metabolism into sugar, carbohdrates, starch, fat, water etc.Respiration breaks food into sugar providing energy to body for work. Even when u r asleep mind requires/consumes some energy. Similarly when u r awake n lift ur hand/walk/ run/ dance the body utilises some energy.
However If your daily calory intake is more than what your body needs then the extra calories add to the excessive fat. SOme fat is required in the body for the temperature insulation. But excess of any thing is harmful. It leads to high cholestrol heart attacks, high blood pressure, and other malfunctions.
look at you feet without bending your head/body. If you watch only TUMMY and no feet then u know the line.Or if your tummy has crossed the protrusion level of your breasts(for females) then you are there. I told you that some fat in the body is required by the body for the thermal insulation and for the adipose tissues to work properly so "dont fast yourself to death." You dont become fit but you become weak by constant fasting.
Did u see the most recent case of the MISS UNIVERSE 2006 from Puerto Ricco which happened just three days back? She fainted after wining the crown as she had gone for the severe crash dieting to fit into the metallic dress which made her dizzy. so Try realistic ways to fight it rather than useless worry n fasting till death which does not help in the long run.
So? coming to the methods What do u think? when the fat means intake of more calories than your body needs then what is the way out? RIGHT.
1) burn it more - which means exercise.
2) lesser intake- which means balanced/ maintained/controled diet.not dieting.
3) hormonal -seek DR.
First active people who can actually follow them. I think there are none. Coz those who work out regularly can never be obeses. Right? ok! try to exercise at least 3/ a week. If u cant go for jogging / running, try brisk walks or small exercises like try stairs instead of lift. go to the near by market walking rather than by car. who can not go to gym for regular workouts being too lazy- must alternate small exercise with sedentary ways.
Second thing apart from the EXercise is DIET maintenance. 1) try the balanced diet. which means like the ATKINS diet which is intake more protein while having food than the fat/carbohydrate.
when eating the chicken dnt eat leg piece(fat).eat breast piece(protein). avoid the red meat altogether -pork/ham/beef/mutton etc. have fish-full of proteins.
In egg eat white not the yellow / yolk.
In coffees/ teas/lemonades/milkshakesetcadd saccharine/aspartame instead of sugar for e.g.- "sugar free" which reduces each intake by 98%.
Then comes the combination. Dont eat rice and chapatis in the same course. either eat rice or chapatis. taken together they add hell loads. RICE are full of starch.So when you cook rice remove the starch making it a bit healthier for you. Rice has loads of fat so eat lesser of rice and more of chapatis.
Cook your food in the refined oils and dont use the ghee/saturated oil. the refined oil has unsaturated fat which does not accumulate in the body. FOR better skin try OLIVE oil to cook. HEMA MALINIS secret.
In milk use skimmed milk/ double toned milk.
Then SALADS. best for the weight reduction. before having your food eat plate fulls of salads which are fat free. they feed u leaving lesser space for over eating. they make skin glow, increase your bowel movements have high roughage. **have the salads as the snacks. Or use the germinated/ ankurit pulses like the hare moong dal with boiled potatoe pieces.
eat cucumber/beet root/ tomatoes/ boiled potatoes or ankurit dals with salt/pepper/chat masala n lemon.make a point to eat healthy instead of junk food. instead of burger n chips eat salads or germinated pulses made as salads.
for one day in the whole week go for the one fruit diet. never go for harsh crash dieting. Instead have banans and milk in all three meals for the day and no other food.
In fruits the mangoes/grapes/and bananas make u fattier.dnt take in large amounts/avoid them.
take lemonades with salt regularly .lemon reduces fat.
If u have to take soft drinks then only take DIET pepsi/DIET coke.In restaurents and MCDONALD go for the special low fat preparations. Eat lesser chocolates/ice creams.if you have to then in the next next main meal just take salads / germinated pulses to compensate.
all these models/actresses confess that they dont take sweets.if they eat, they exercise at least thrice a week .so indulge just once in a while/ week. so u have INDULGENCE+MAINTENANCE. indulge only 1nce in a while.
ALTERNATE the diets."fatty with non fatty." leave fatty part have non fatty so that U had the taste for the buds & U maintained the fitness too! BINGO! Thats the way! So lousy people can also shed those extras without exercise.