I had gained a lot of weight because being a student, I was always sitting. So first I tried Himalaya lean tea. not only it tastes awful, it just suppressed hunger. There was minimum effect. I tried treadmill, aerobics, but the effects were too too slow.(5 months- 1kg)
I was getting disappointed. Then I was about to order some Dr. Yang tea or something, but just thought of reading the reviews here first. Here I found mostly negative reviews about it. So I was just reading those reviews, I found some one had mentioned this pill.
I had never heard of it. so, I just thought of looking at its reviews and all. Most of the people said it works. Some had claimed it made them loose 5 kg in a month. etc etc. but its cost was 3k/30 caps. means 100rs/capsule.(ouch!). Still, I thought, what the hell! lets try and see. I am glad I did.
So, first when I started taking it, I used to feel awfully thirsty. Used to drink 4-5 lt water. I noticed a strange thing, I started craving for fruits, salads etc, instead of chocolates and pizza! Yes, it was strange! I wanted to eat fresh fruits, fresh salads, juice. junk food stopped appealing me altogether.
As per instructions, I took 1 tablet daily after breakfast. After that, I used to drink a lot lot lot of water. It was not that I was not hungry in the evening, it was that I wanted to eat only cucumber, corn, etc. VOLUNTARILY! No other side effects for me, whatsoever, except thirst. First month, I dont think I lost substantially.
Weight loss was NOT 5 kg in 1 month but yeah, I lost 6 kg in 9 months. I was 9 kg over weight. so, its working but not as fast as claimed. Now, I feel active, sleep is normal(oh yes, initial 2-3 months, I lost sleep too, used to sleep only 3-4 hrs/day but absolutely ok now) and loosing weight gave me confidence, so I started light exercises. Its amazing now!
What I feel, take these pills, but do little exercise also! only 1/2 hr, daily. Trust me guys, 30 min daily mild exercise does not make you loose weight normally but with these pills, youll loose amazingly! After 9 months, I now dont feel so thirsty. My water intake has increased. So has my fruit intake. Now I have decreased taking it. I take on alternate days. but I am still loosing weight. I plan on taking it 3-4 months more, till I get my ideal weight.
only precaution they ask is- DONT TAKE ALCOHOL.
- IT WONT WORK IF YOU HAVE HORMONAL PROBLEM. This one is true. My cousin with hypothyroid tried them, but results were not encouraging.
BOTTOM LINE, ITLL WORK ONLY IF YOUR LOW BMR IS DUE TO LACK OF EXERCISE. IT WONT INCREASE YOUR BMR IF IT IS DUE TO SOME OTHER REASON. Weight gain in different people is due to different reasons. So yeah, know your own body. See, and understand why you have gained weight. then decide about it. Dont jump to purchase it just after reading my review.
And yeah, if it has not/does not work for you. ITS NOT MY FAULT! I AM NOT ASKING YOU TO TRUST IT OR WHATEVER. I AM JUST GIVING MY EXPERIENCES, THATS IT! Check my profile, its not that I have been member through years waiting to promote my company etc!(lol) final review- PATIENCE IS THE KEY.