I Would like to share my experience of buying a slimming pills after seeing the reviews in http://www.weightlossreviews.in. I have been suffering from overweight problem and I was in search of a medicine. Then I saw this weight loss pills review site giving high rating for NOFAT Pills. So I bought it with any more investigation. Used this pills for around 1.5 months. It was a waste of money and I didnt lose any weight. More over now Im having headache. I consulted a doctor and she said that it may be side effect of that pills.
Few days ago I saw a review saying that weightlossreviews.in is maintained by NOFAT tablet manufacturer itself. I dont know why these people are using such online selling practices. in mouthshut itself there were many negative feedback about this website and nofat pills.
So I request you all to not believe in such fake website.