You cannot loose weight with out doing some type of excercise. I find that when you get older you cant do many exercise you use to do. When I visited China every morning I saw people of all ages doing their TAI CHI exercises.
Tai Chi focus on doing slow movements, (it looks easier than it is), to become healthier both in body and mentally. They do this by using the Yin, (male) and Yang, (female), principals. This brings balance into your life.
Meditation is a way to deal with the mind and emotions directly and the body. Tai Chi also frees upstagnant energy so it revitalizes you. Tai Chi teaches you how to meditate by is visualizing and using a variety of postures against an opponent, (Tai Chi is a form amartial arts).
You do Tai Chi in a slow and graceful series of controlled movements. There are 78 movements that are divided into five sections that get harder. They alternate in this order: exercise, dance, non-demonical religious ritual, philosophy and meditation.
When you first see the exercises being done you think that the movements are in the positions your body makes. However once you start to learn you find out that the position of the eyes, your breathing and being able to focus mentally are as important than the body stance. If any of you have seen a dancer from Indonesia you will understand what I mean about the eyes.
I have been doing Tai Chi for the past six months and am only a beginner. I have found that I find it helps with the stress I feel from being bi-polar and I am more agile.
I took a few classes and they bought a video as once you learn the basics you can exercise alone.
Red: Means that an Angel has been sent to help me. To others it can mean to keep us alert and help with good judgment.
Orange: Stimulates me and I want to dance like a gypsy does. Other people tell me the feel joy and a lightness that releases them and gives them pleasure.
Yellow: I dont like it when I see yellow, as I feel detached and nervous.
Green: When I see a bright green Im happy, a flat green reminds me of a hospital room and a gray-green tells me someone close is going to get very sick or die.
Turquoise: Calms it and me helps me calm my nerves.
Blue: Was the first color I ever saw and in retrospect Im surprised because except for denim blue, blue makes me blue!
Violet: Tells me I must pray and meditate more often because I am coming closer to my inner self.
Magenta: Gives me a feeling contentment and self-respect.
Black: Means that I am not breathing right and I have to start again.
White: I only see white as wisps of clouds between a color change.
Purple: This is the color I see now when I begin to meditate. It means, (to me), that I am getting closer to G-D.
Silver: I have only seen silver once. It made be feel like an Angel was comforting me.
Gold: Recently I have seen gold quite often. Gold to me is G-D and that means I am in G-Ds hands.
When I close my eyes I see flashes of all colors zip zipping everywhere. My Cousin is a Physic and she tells me I am blessed because the colors are Angels dashing to do their job for G-D and they have allowed me to see this.
A study of 2, 328 elderly people in a program of doing simple Tai Chi exercises showed that falls could be reduced by about 13 percent. In addition Tai Chi training was the most beneficial exercise that the elderly can do. It reduced injuries by 25 percent. The American Medical Association concluded that Tai Chi help the elderly reduce the risk of falling. In the United States alone medical bills for the elderly falling cost billion dollars that must be paid out.
If you would like to try Tai Chi there is anEasy Tai Chi video that you can order by visiting this web site: