In Wells Fargo most of the managers are worst because of monopoly management, there is group of Malayalee’s and they hire their Malayalee chamchaas and spoiling employee carriers.
There is Manager “Ajit Gopalakrishnan Nair”, he is one among them, he dont know how to manage employees, during the performance review he will say that youve done excellent job then next couple days he will come up with HR saying that your performance is not up to the mark and they fire employees. Don’t know how this company HR/management trust people like these worst managers and spoiling their company image.
This person is spoiling so many talented employees carrier.HR in this company is time pass, they just agree whatever manager says, not even bother about employee’s voice/feedback, even they have so many process in place but nothing works in reality?
He is dumb and brainless fellow spoiling his team member carriers.he is one of the below performer manager/employee. God save his team members?.