WFIS - A group where self respect is supposed to be left at the entrance before logging in. General saying is People in this department do not need to focus on Technical skills instead butter the Likes of Mr Shabby who is the V and sits in Bangalore, and the egoist and their band of who are the second / third level of so called un-skilled managers. The stars of these are
Boozer (..) (He is know to use alcohol as a stepping stone to success. You will see this Guy in many of the bars close to ... Ask anyone on the floor and you know him) -- This ........ is a one manufacturing defect, he does not possess the necessary skill sets to work in the IT industry and is best suited for jobs as a waiter / Bartender etc. He ensures that he gets people in his teams based on his comfort level and takes them as well to booze parties. He takes the credit of the work done by his team as his own and projects it to the management. An open challenge to this ........ .. Try searching for a job outside WFIS and then post here. I know you will never be able to get a job outside WFIS as you are plain in-capable ....... Everyone knows that you have climbed up the ladder plainly using the technique of a.... licking , You are Technically ZERO and your management skills are in MINUS INFINITY and bribing the managers using Booze is your forte. You get a full One Hundred out of One Hundred for this. N number of escalations on you from the various nooks and corners of the floor does not seem to have any heed on the thick skined Jokers who manage .. under this ...... and you still continous to spiral upwards. Dont worry you will come down if you are like this. This Guy also is single handedly responsible to maligning team members on the floor with his loose and negative batter. We hate you ....... to the core and everyone speaks about you in front of you so do yourself a favour, if you dont like someone say so in front of that person you coward.
The feels as if he is shouldering the entire responsibility of the teams and tries to throw his weight around. Cross him and you get to see his Rainbow colors and sudden shift in his behavior. Dude cool down, you have the necessary skills and dont try to follow the and dont listen to him, you will find yourself in the same shi.. if you follow him
The in-competent of middleware services and who is from AP -- Gives an impression that he is the most serene and well balanced individual. Unfit to be a peoples manager by all standards and he always snaps behind the back. U are unfit to lead and manage a team. Your management skills suck, learn to bloody take a stand and stick to the stand that you have taken. DONT OVERREACT
The insight Guru -- Always tries to show favourism and is very partial to certains followers of his, if you get to work under him, take the goals in writing. U never know when he can change his words
The Boozer cannot be corrected and is a write off so if you have to Join Wellsfargo do a research in terms of who your manager is and if its the boozer then you are better off without taking up the offer as you will not grow. See to that you try not to work under these bandicoots who report to this of as he is a huge egoistic guy with his share of issues with the teams. Under him its easier to get oil out of sand but not a promotion or a hike.