For all you guys out there who think pop is for the tweens and teens of yesteryear, think again! Westlife have certainly proved themselves as one of the greatest boybands in the last decade. Their new album Turn Around ( another feather in their cap ) has certainly proven that Westlife are definitely not thumb-sucking kids but mature conossieurs of music who can sing much more than just pop! Their title track Turn Around is a vivid foot-tapping, sing-along song which proves that Westlife can easily get a nation dancing to its tune. Hey Whatever on the other hand is a slower song with a catchy rhythm and a soulful beat. Mandy shows that inspite of Westlife changing their type of music and being more open to other types of music, they have not yet forgotten their roots and the type of music that speaks directly into the hearts of their adoring fans. Westlife ( who recently visited India for the MTV IMMIES ) have not only captured the minds of the 11- 24 year olds but also individuals like 39 year old Prakash Jha ( an Indian manufacturer ) who says that he simply cannot sleep without listening to the track ANGEL from the album World Of Our Own and also 76 year old Francis Almeida ( a retired army colonel ) who simply loves the track MY LOVE. Westlife is far from what people think boy-bands are. They are much more than the bubblegum boys that most of the people take them for. And for all the people who thought that Westlife was another crapped out selfish group, I hope youve got your befitting reply by Westlifes most selfless act of dedicating the award they won at the IMMIES to the late father of one of their security men. And heres a small message to all the die-hard heavy metal fans out there ( who think pop is the worst thing that happened to this earth ), take a deep breath and think, when you take your last breath, what would you rather listen to; a group thats screaming their head off and their lungs out to give you a headache or a group thats singing an enchanting heavenly melody relaxing your whole body almost instantaneously?? For more news about Westlife please write in to