Fake online shopping site.
Provides products with lowest price and awesome images but they send an other products which are totally different from the site shown.
Afer reveiving the product you will be shocked and if call for exchage or return of the product they simply discard you and next time there will be no reply from them.
Still this website is existing very non usefull or fake waste online shopping site.
Plese buy products become fool.
Hi everyone today I am going to share my experience about this website. Few months ago I ordered a blazer from this website that is whaaky.com. I Choosed this website because I was getting the product in a very low price also the product was looking very attractive to me so I ordered it via online payment I receive the product after so many days as expected delivery date was not provided by them. When I received the package and I looked at its packaging I found that it was really looking poor and the packaging was of bad quality. I was really worried about the product because seeing the packaging it was really looking doubtful and guess what, I got a cloth insted of blazer .I was really disappointed by seeing this product. I wasted 1200 rs in srap.it was an another shock when they never responded to my calls and emails. I am not going to buy anything from this website. It is really a fake website. It is a scam so please guys it is recommended to stay away from this website